Old Dutch is a sports bar and restaurant as well as the Home of ESN Breda. This is the place for some of the most iconic events of ESN such as the ESNTuesday’s. These are nights where international students make new friends, interact with others and experience the energy of ESN.
Discounts during ESN Tuesdays:
Soft drinks €2,00
Beer €2,00
Hertog Jan Beer €2,10
Beer Pul €4,00
Hertog Jan beer Pul €4,20
Pitcher beer €15,00
Hertog Jan Pitcher €15,50
Mixed beverages* €3,50
Mixer Red Bull €4,00
Liefmans on Tap €2,10
Wine (Piqueras) €2,90
Shots €2,50
Discounts from Sunday to Thursday:
Soft drink €2.30
Beer €2.20
Hertog Jan €2,30
Beer pul €4.50
Pitcher beer €16.00
Mixed beverages* €4.00
Liefmans €2.70
Wine €3,20
Shot €2.50
*only applicable to: Bacardi, Gin Bulldog, Reihum whiskey, Tequila, Vodka